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Teacher-Brother Dave's Compilation


The New Epochal Revelation of Truth, Page 355

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Teacher-Brother Dave's initial comments: I am presenting some of my Topical Studies from the fully public domain, 2097 page, Fifth Epochal Revelation of Truth and with my added comments. The Revealed text is free of copyright, so you may freely share individually these supernal quotes with your friends and relatives. But my order of selections, font types for emphasis and my added comments are Copyright 2021 by Dave@PureChristians.org All Rights Reserved. Contact me first about using the whole Study or group of Studies.

[My added comments of explanation below are in these square brackets]

Topical Study number 134

"KNOW and related words !"

Part 12

Compiled April 12, 2021 by Dave@PureChristians.org

The Urantia Book



[Paper:Section.Paragraph (numbers)]

31:0.8 These six groups of glorified beings compose this unique body of eternal destiny. We think we *know their future work, but we are not certain. While the Corps of the Mortal Finality is mobilizing on Paradise, and while they now so extensively minister to the universes of space and administer the worlds settled in light and life, their future destination must be the now-organizing universes [the next, higher Master Universe] of outer space. At least that is the conjecture of Uversa. [The spiritual headquarters of our Orvonton Superuniverse with 100,000 local universes.]

31:0.9 The corps is organized in accordance with the working associations of the worlds of space and in keeping with the associative experience acquired throughout the long and eventful ascendant career. All the ascendant creatures admitted to this corps are received in equality, but this exalted equality in no way abrogates individuality or destroys personal identity. We can immediately *discern, in communicating with a finaliter, whether he is an ascendant mortal, Havona native, adopted seraphim, midway creature, or Material [as our Adam and Eve] Son.


31:1.4 The Havona recruits follow the company of their assignment; wherever the group goes, they go. And you should *see their enthusiasm in the new work of the finaliters. The possibility of attaining the Corps of the Finality is one of the superb thrills of Havona; the possibility of becoming a finaliter is one of the supreme adventures of these perfect races.


31:2.2 Gravity Messengers hail from Divinington, [a high Paradise Sphere of the Universal Father] and they are modified and personalized Adjusters, but no one of our Uversa group will undertake to explain the nature of one of these messengers. We *know they are highly personal beings, divine, intelligent, and touchingly *understanding, but we do not comprehend their timeless technique of [instantly] traversing space. They *seem to be competent to utilize any and all energies, circuits, and even gravity. Finaliters of the mortal corps cannot defy time and space, but they have associated with them and subject to their command all but infinite spirit personalities who can. We presume to call Gravity Messengers personalities, but in reality they are superspirit beings, unlimited and boundless personalities. They are of an entirely different order of personality as compared with Solitary Messengers.


31:3.1 Ascendant Adjuster-fused mortals compose the bulk of the primary Corps of the Finality. Together with the adopted and glorified seraphim they usually constitute 990 in each finaliter company. The proportion of mortals and angels in any one group varies, though the mortals far outnumber the seraphim. The Havona natives, glorified Material Sons, glorified midway creatures, the Gravity Messengers, and the unknown and missing member make up only one per cent of the corps; each company of one thousand finaliters has places for just ten of these nonmortal and nonseraphic personalities.

31:3.2 We of Uversa do not *know the “finality destiny” of the ascendant mortals of time. At present they reside on Paradise and temporarily serve in the Corps of Light and Life, but such a tremendous course of ascendant training and such lengthy universe discipline must be designed to qualify them for even greater tests of trust and more sublime services of responsibility.

31:3.3 Notwithstanding that these ascendant mortals have attained Paradise, have been mustered into the Corps of the Finality, and have been sent back in large numbers to participate in the conduct of local universes and to assist in the administration of superuniverse affairs—in the face of even this apparent destiny, there remains the significant fact that they are of record as only sixth-stage spirits. There undoubtedly remains one more step in the career of the Mortal Corps of the Finality. We do not *know the nature of that step, but we have taken cognizance of, and here call attention to, three facts:

31:3.4 #1. We *know from the records that mortals are spirits of the first order during their sojourn in the minor sectors, and that they advance to the second order when translated to the major sectors, and to the third when they go forward to the central training worlds of the superuniverse. Mortals become quartan or graduate spirits after reaching the sixth circle of Havona and become spirits of the fifth order when they find the Universal Father. They subsequently attain the sixth stage of spirit existence upon taking the oath that musters them forever into the eternity assignment of the Corps of the Mortal Finality.

31:3.5 We observe that spirit classification, or designation, has been determined by actual advancement from one realm of universe service to another realm of universe service or from one universe to another universe; and we surmise that the bestowal of seventh-spirit classification upon the Mortal Corps of the Finality will be simultaneous with their advancement to eternal assignment for service on hitherto unrecorded and unrevealed spheres and concomitant with their attainment of God the Supreme. But aside from these bold conjectures, we really *know no more about all this than you do; our *knowledge of the mortal career does not go beyond present Paradise destiny.

31:3.6 #2. The mortal finaliters have fully complied with the injunction of the ages, “Be you perfect”; they have ascended the universal path of mortal attainment; they have found God, and they have been duly inducted into the Corps of the Finality. Such beings have attained the present limit of spirit progression but not finality of ultimate spirit status. They have achieved the present limit of creature perfection but not finality of creature service. They have experienced the fullness of Deity worship but not finality of experiential Deity attainment.

31:3.7 #3. The glorified mortals of the Paradise Corps of Finality are ascendant beings in possession of experiential *knowledge of every step of the actuality and philosophy of the fullest possible life of intelligent existence, while during the ages of this ascent from the lowest material worlds to the spiritual heights of Paradise, these surviving creatures have been trained to the limits of their capacity respecting every detail of every divine principle of the just and efficient, as well as merciful and patient, administration of all the universal creation of time and space.

31:3.8 We deem that human beings are entitled to share our opinions, and that you are free to conjecture with us respecting the mystery of the ultimate destiny of the Paradise Corps of Finality. It seems evident to us that the present assignments of the perfected evolutionary creatures partake of the nature of postgraduate courses in universe understanding and superuniverse administration; and we all ask, “Why should the Gods be so concerned in so thoroughly training surviving mortals in the technique of universe management?”


31:7.2 Any celestial personality assigned to the service of any finaliter corps is denominated an Evangel of Light. These beings do not take the finaliter oath, and though subject to the corps organization they are not of permanent attachment. This group may embrace Solitary Messengers, supernaphim, seconaphim, Paradise Citizens, or their trinitized offspring—any being required in the prosecution of a transient finaliter assignment. Whether or not the corps is to have these beings attached to the eternal mission, we do not *know. At the conclusion of attachment these Evangels of Light resume their former status.

31:7.5 One of us holds the opinion that this vacant place in the corps [of 1000 beings] will be filled by some type of being of origin in the new universe of their future service; the other inclines to the belief that this place will be occupied by some type of Paradise personality not yet created, eventuated, or trinitized. But we will most likely await the entrance of the finaliters upon their seventh stage of spirit attainment before we really *know.


31:8.3 You, being a creature, can conceive of a Creator, but you can hardly comprehend that there exists an enormous and diversified aggregation of intelligent beings who are neither Creators nor creatures. These Transcendentalers create no beings, neither were they ever created. In speaking of their origin, in order to avoid using a new term—an arbitrary and meaningless designation—we deem it best to say that Transcendentalers simply eventuate. The Deity Absolute may well have been concerned in their origin and may be implicated in their destiny, but these unique beings are not now dominated by the Deity Absolute. They are subject to God the Ultimate, and their present Paradise sojourn is in every way Trinity supervised and directed.


31:9.1 The Architects of the Master Universe are the governing corps of the Paradise Transcendentalers. This governing corps numbers 28,011 personalities possessing master minds, superb spirits, and supernal absonites. The presiding officer of this magnificent group, the senior Master Architect, is the co-ordinating head of all Paradise intelligences below the level of Deity.

31:9.2 The sixteenth proscription of the mandate authorizing these narratives says: "If deemed wise, the existence of the Architects of the Master Universe and their associates may be *disclosed, but their origin, nature, and destiny may not be fully revealed." We may, however, inform you that these Master Architects exist in seven levels of the absonite. These seven groups are classified as follows:

31:9.3 #1. The Paradise Level. Only the senior or first-eventuated Architect functions on this highest level of the absonite. This ultimate personality -- neither Creator nor creature -- eventuated in the dawn of eternity and now functions as the exquisite co-ordinator of Paradise and its twenty-one worlds [Inner circuit: seven secret worlds of the Father, Middle circuit: seven brilliant worlds of the Son, Outer circuit: seven immense worlds of the Spirit, all circling the Isle of Paradise] of associated activities.

31:9.4 #2. The Havona Level. The second Architect eventuation yielded three master planners and absonite administrators, and they have always been devoted to the co-ordination of the one billion perfect spheres of the central universe. Paradise tradition asserts that these three Architects, with the counsel of the pre-eventuated senior Architect, contributed to the planning of Havona, but we really do not *know.

31:9.5 #3. The Superuniverse Level. The third absonite level embraces the seven Master Architects of the seven superuniverses, who now, as a group, spend about equal time in the company of the Seven Master Spirits on Paradise and with the Seven Supreme Executives on the seven special worlds of the Infinite Spirit. They are the super-coordinators of the grand universe.

31:9.6 #4. The Primary Space Level. This group numbers seventy Architects, and we conjecture that they are concerned with the ultimate plans for the first universe of outer space, now mobilizing beyond the borders of the present seven superuniverses. [with 70 galaxies for future to us super-superuniverses !]

31:9.7 #5. The Secondary Space Level. This fifth corps of Architects numbers 490, and again we conjecture that they must be concerned with the second universe of outer space, where already our physicists have *detected definite energy mobilizations. [with 490 galaxies !]

31:9.8 #6. The Tertiary Space Level. This sixth group of Master Architects numbers 3,430, and we likewise infer that they may be occupied with the gigantic plans for the third universe of outer space. [with 3,430 galaxies !]

31:9.9 #7. The Quartan Space Level. This, the final and largest corps, consists of 24,010 Master Architects, and if our former conjectures are valid, it must be related to the fourth and last [as revealed here in A.D. 1934] of the ever-increasing-sized universes of outer space.[with 24,010 galaxies !]

31:9.10 These seven groups of Master Architects total 28,011 universe planners. On Paradise there is a tradition that far back in eternity there was attempted the eventuation of the 28,012th Master Architect, but that this being failed to absonitize, experiencing personality seizure by the Universal Absolute. It is possible that the ascending series of the Master Architects attained the limit of absonity in the 28,011th Architect, and that the 28,012th attempt encountered the mathematical level of the presence of the Absolute. In other words, at the 28,012th eventuation level the quality of absonity equivalated to the level of the Universal and attained the value of the Absolute. [Tremendous !]

31:9.11 In their functional organization the three supervising Architects of Havona act as associate assistants to the solitary Paradise Architect. The seven Architects of the superuniverses act as co-ordinates of the three supervisors of Havona. The seventy planners of the universes of the primary outer space level are at present serving as associate assistants to the seven Architects of the seven superuniverses.

31:9.12 The Architects of the Master Universe have at their disposal numerous groups of assistants and helpers, including two vast orders of force organizers, the primary eventuated and the associate transcendental. These Master Force Organizers are not to be confused with the power directors, who are germane to the grand universe.

31:9.13 All beings produced by the union of the children of time and eternity, such as the trinitized offspring of the finaliters and the Paradise Citizens, become wards of the Master Architects. But of all other creatures or entities revealed as functioning in the present organized universes, only Solitary Messengers and Inspired Trinity Spirits maintain any organic association with the Transcendentalers and the Architects of the Master Universe.

31:9.14 The Master Architects contribute technical approval of the assignment of the Creator Sons to their space sites for the organization of the local universes. [Our Creator Son Michael #611,121 came out from God on Paradise to begin the making of our local universe of Nebadon and all human creatures and other beings for his universe over 400 billion years ago ! This same Creator Son is now called Jesus Christ Michael after He Incarnated here on Earth 7 B.C.-A.D.30 and won full Sovereignty of our universe. When all Humans on Earth strive to know and follow Jesus, we will be in the first stage of Light and Life. Much later, after we ascend into the Mortal Corps of the Finality, it is very likely that we will be most pleased to follow our Good Maker-Master Jesus out into these very much larger (new to us) Ultimate-level space creations ! "Behold, I make all things NEW !" (Rev 21:3-7)] There is a very close association between the Master Architects and the Paradise Creator Sons, and while this relationship is unrevealed, you have been informed of the association of the Architects and the grand universe Supreme Creators in the relationship of the first experiential Trinity. These two groups, together with the evolving and experiential Supreme Being, constitute the Trinity Ultimate of transcendental values and master universe meanings. [!!! More on this later.]


31:10.1 The senior Master Architect has the oversight of the seven Corps of the Finality, and they are:

31:10.2 #1. The Corps of Mortal Finaliters.

31:10.3 #2. The Corps of Paradise Finaliters.

31:10.4 #3. The Corps of Trinitized Finaliters.

31:10.5 #4. The Corps of Conjoint Trinitized Finaliters.

31:10.6 #5. The Corps of Havona Finaliters.

31:10.7 #6. The Corps of Transcendental Finaliters.

31:10.8 #7. The Corps of Unrevealed Sons of Destiny.

31:10.9 Each of these destiny corps has a presiding head, and the seven constitute the Supreme Council of Destiny on Paradise; and during the present universe age Grandfanda [the first human to ascend to Paradise] is the chief of this supreme body of universe assignment for the children of ultimate destiny. [!!]

31:10.10 The gathering together of these seven finaliter corps signifies reality mobilization of potentials, personalities, minds, spirits, absonites, and experiential actualities that probably transcend even the future master universe functions of the [evolving with us] Supreme Being. These seven finaliter corps probably signify the present activity of the Ultimate Trinity engaged in mustering the forces of the finite and the absonite in preparation for inconceivable developments in the universes of outer space. Nothing like this mobilization has taken place since the near times of eternity when the Paradise Trinity similarly mobilized the then existing personalities of Paradise and Havona and commissioned them as administrators and rulers of the projected seven superuniverses of time and space. The seven finaliter corps represent the divinity response of the grand universe to the future needs of the undeveloped potentials in the outer universes of future-eternal activities.

31:10.11 We venture the forecast of future and greater outer universes [to an Infinite Eternal Cosmos !] of inhabited worlds, new spheres peopled with new orders of exquisite and unique beings, a material universe sublime in its ultimacy, a vast creation lacking in only one important detail -- the presence of actual finite experience in the universal life of ascendant existence. Such a universe will come into being under a tremendous experiential handicap: the deprivation of participation in the evolution of the Almighty Supreme. These outer universes will all enjoy the matchless ministry and supernal overcontrol of the Supreme Being, but the very fact of his active presence precludes their participation in the actualization of the Supreme Deity. [That, we help do here !]

31:10.12 During the present universe age the evolving personalities of the grand universe suffer many difficulties due to the incomplete actualization of the sovereignty of God the Supreme, but we are all sharing the unique experience of his evolution. We evolve in him and he evolves in us. Sometime in the eternal future the evolution of Supreme Deity will become a completed fact of universe history, and the opportunity to participate in this wonderful experience will have passed from the stage of cosmic action.

31:10.13 But those of us who have acquired this unique experience during the youth of the universe will treasure it throughout all future eternity. And many of us speculate that it may be the mission of the gradually accumulating reserves of the ascendant and perfected mortals of the Corps of the Finality, in association with the other six similarly recruiting corps, to administer these outer universes in an effort to compensate their experiential deficiencies in not having participated in the time-space evolution of the Supreme Being.

31:10.14 These deficiencies are inevitable on all levels of universe existence. During the present universe age we of the higher levels of spiritual existences now come down to administer the evolutionary universes and minister to the ascending mortals, thus endeavoring to atone for their deficiencies in the realities of the higher spiritual experience. [Jesus stated: "Often the first shall be last; and the last shall be the first."

31:10.15 But though we really *know nothing about the plans of the Architects of the Master Universe respecting these outer creations, nevertheless, of three things we are *certain:

31:10.16 #1. There actually is a vast and new system of universes gradually organizing in the domains of outer space. New orders of physical creations, enormous and gigantic circles of swarming universes upon universes far out beyond the present bounds of the peopled and organized creations, are actually visible through your telescopes. At present, these outer creations are wholly physical; they are apparently uninhabited and seem to be devoid of creature administration.

31:10.17 #2. For ages upon ages there continues the unexplained and wholly mysterious Paradise mobilization of the perfected and ascendant beings of time and space, in association with the six other finaliter corps.

31:10.18 #3. Concomitantly with these transactions the Supreme Person of Deity is powerizing as the almighty sovereign of the supercreations.

31:10.19 As we view this triune development, embracing creatures, universes, and Deity, can we be criticized for anticipating that something new and unrevealed is approaching culmination in the master universe? Is it not natural that we should associate this agelong mobilization and organization of physical universes on such a hitherto unknown scale and the personality emergence of the Supreme Being with this stupendous scheme of upstepping the mortals of time to divine perfection and with their subsequent mobilization on Paradise in the Corps of the Finality -- a designation and destiny enshrouded in universe mystery? It is increasingly the belief of all Uversa that the assembling Corps of the Finality are destined to some future service in the universes of outer space, where we already are able to identify the clustering of at least seventy thousand aggregations of matter, each of which is greater than any one of the present superuniverses. [The pure absolute Spirit-plus of God within each normal human being is also called the Mystery Monitor as well as the Divine Pilot Light as well as the Thought Adjuster, and other terms, in an attempt to convey a little of these deep mysteries to the finite human mind. It is fully possible, if God the Father-Infinite I AM on Paradise wills, to have an infinite-sized cosmic universe, as Paradise and Paradise Force-Energy are Eternally Infinite !!]

31:10.20 Evolutionary mortals are born on the planets of space, pass through the morontia worlds, ascend the spirit universes, traverse the Havona spheres, find God, attain Paradise, and are mustered into the primary Corps of the Finality, therein to await the next assignment of universe service. There are six other assembling finality corps, but Grandfanda, the first mortal ascender, presides as Paradise chief of all orders of finaliters. And as we view this sublime spectacle, we all exclaim: What a glorious destiny for the animal-origin children of time, the material sons of space ! [Yes ! Thank You our loving and merciful Creator Father-Son-Spirit ! Amen !]

31:10.21 {Jointly sponsored by a Divine Counselor and One without Name and Number authorized so to function by the Ancients of Days on Uversa.}

* * * * * * *

31:10.22 These thirty-one papers depicting the nature of Deity, the reality of Paradise, the organization and working of the central and superuniverses, the personalities of the grand universe, and the high destiny of evolutionary mortals, were sponsored, formulated, and put into English by a high commission consisting of twenty-four Orvonton administrators acting in accordance with a mandate issued by the Ancients of Days of Uversa directing that we should do this on Earth, in your local universe of Nebadon, in the year A.D. 1934.

[End of Part I of four Parts of this 2097 page Fifth Epochal Revelation. Next we start Part II of four Parts]

Topical Study number 134

"KNOW and related words !"

Part 13

Compiled April 14, 2021 by Dave@PureChristians.org

The Urantia Book




[Paper:Section.Paragraph (numbers)]

32:2.13 But the evolution of a local universe is a long narrative. Papers dealing with the superuniverse introduce this subject, [Papers 1-31] those of this section, treating of the local creations, continue it, [Papers 32-56] while those to follow, [Papers 57-119] touching upon the history and destiny of Urantia, [Earth] complete the story. But you can adequately comprehend the destiny of the mortals of such a local creation only by a perusal of the narratives of the life and teachings of your Creator Son as he once lived the life of man, in the likeness of mortal flesh, on your own evolutionary world. [Papers 120-196]


32:3.6 [Very important !] The farther down the scale of life we go, the more difficult it becomes to locate, with the eye of faith, the invisible Father. The lower creatures—and sometimes even the higher personalities—find it difficult always to envisage the Universal Father in his Creator Sons. [Our Universe Sovereign Creator Son is Jesus Christ Michael] And so, pending the time of their spiritual exaltation, when perfection of development will enable them to *see God in person, they grow weary in progression, entertain spiritual doubts, stumble into confusion, and thus isolate themselves from the progressive spiritual aims of their time and universe. In this way they lose the ability to *see the Father when *beholding the Creator Son. The surest safeguard for the creature throughout the long struggle to attain the Father, during this time when inherent conditions make such attainment impossible, is tenaciously to hold on to the truth-fact of the Father’s presence in his Sons. Literally and figuratively, spiritually and personally, the Father and the Sons are one. It is a fact: He who has *seen a Creator Son has *seen the Father.

32:3.10 The fact of animal evolutionary origin does not attach stigma to any personality in the sight of the universe as that is the exclusive method of producing one of the two basic types of finite intelligent will creatures. When the heights of perfection and eternity are attained, all the more honor to those who began at the bottom and joyfully climbed the ladder of life, round by round, and who, when they do reach the heights of glory, will have gained a personal experience which embodies an actual *knowledge of every phase of life from the bottom to the top. [In the womb of a human mother, the baby goes from single cell zygote life up through the 550 million years of evolution to being a full human baby son of God at birth !]


32:4.6 These Thought Adjusters, [God's pure Spirit Essence -- his will -- indwelling you] the bestowals of the Universal Father, are comparatively isolated; they indwell human minds but have no *discernible connection with the ethical affairs of a local creation. They are not directly co-ordinated with the seraphic service nor with the administration of systems, constellations, or a local universe, not even with the rule of a Creator Son, whose will is the supreme law of his universe.

32:4.8 We can *see and *understand the mechanism whereby the Sons enjoy intimate and complete *knowledge regarding the universes of their jurisdiction; but we cannot fully comprehend the methods whereby God is so fully and personally conversant with the details of the universe of universes, although we at least can *recognize the avenue whereby the Universal Father can receive information regarding, and manifest his presence to, the beings of his immense creation. Through the personality circuit the Father is cognizant—has personal *knowledge—of all the thoughts and acts of all the beings in all the systems of all the universes of all creation. Though we cannot fully *grasp this technique of God’s communion with his children, we can be strengthened in the assurance that the “Lord *knows his children,” and that of each one of us “he takes note where we were born.”

32:4.10 God is not a self-centered personality; the Father freely distributes himself to his creation and to his creatures. He lives and acts, not only in the Deities, but also in his Sons, whom he intrusts with the doing of everything that it is divinely possible for them to do. The Universal Father has truly divested himself of every function which it is possible for another being to perform. And this is just as true of mortal man as of the Creator Son who rules in God’s stead at the headquarters of a local universe. Thus we *behold the outworking of the ideal and infinite love of the Universal Father.


[Powerful, Important !]

32:5.1 There is a great and glorious purpose in the march of the universes through space. All of your mortal struggling is not in vain. We are all part of an immense plan, a gigantic enterprise, and it is the vastness of the undertaking that renders it impossible to *see very much of it at any one time and during any one life. We are all a part of an eternal project which the Gods [of the Paradise Trinity] are supervising and outworking. The whole marvelous and universal mechanism moves on majestically through space to the music of the meter of the infinite thought and the eternal purpose of the First Great Source and Center. [God on Paradise.]

32:5.2 The eternal purpose of the eternal God is a high spiritual ideal. The events of time and the struggles of material existence are but the transient scaffolding which bridges over to the other side, to the promised land of spiritual reality and supernal existence. Of course, you mortals find it difficult to *grasp the idea of an eternal purpose; you are virtually unable to comprehend the thought of eternity, something never beginning and never ending. Everything familiar to you has an end.

32:5.3 As regards an individual life, the duration of a realm, or the chronology of any connected series of events, it would seem that we are dealing with an isolated stretch of time; everything seems to have a beginning and an end. And it would appear that a series of such experiences, lives, ages, or epochs, when successively arranged, constitutes a straightaway drive, an isolated event of time flashing momentarily across the infinite face of eternity. But when we look at all this from behind the scenes, a more comprehensive view and a more complete understanding suggest that such an explanation is inadequate, disconnected, and wholly unsuited properly to account for, and otherwise to correlate, the transactions of time with the underlying purposes and basic reactions of eternity.

32:5.4 To me it seems more fitting, for purposes of explanation to the mortal mind, to conceive of eternity as a cycle and the eternal purpose as an endless circle, a cycle of eternity in some way synchronized with the transient material cycles of time. As regards the sectors of time connected with, and forming a part of, the cycle of eternity, we are forced to recognize that such temporary epochs are born, live, and die just as the temporary beings of time are born, live, and die. Most human beings die because, having failed to achieve the spirit level of Adjuster fusion, the metamorphosis of death constitutes the only possible procedure whereby they may escape the fetters of time and the bonds of material creation, thereby being enabled to strike spiritual step with the progressive procession of eternity. Having survived the trial life of time and material existence, it becomes possible for you to continue on in touch with, even as a part of, eternity, swinging on forever with the worlds of space around the circle of the eternal ages.

32:5.5 The sectors of time are like the flashes of personality in temporal form; they appear for a season, and then they are lost to human sight, only to reappear as new actors and continuing factors in the higher life of the endless swing around the eternal circle. Eternity can hardly be conceived as a straightaway drive, in view of our belief in a delimited universe moving over a vast, elongated circle around the central dwelling place of the Universal Father.

32:5.6 Frankly, eternity is incomprehensible to the finite mind of time. You simply cannot *grasp it; you cannot comprehend it. I do not completely visualize it, and even if I did, it would be impossible for me to convey my concept to the human mind. Nevertheless, I have done my best to portray something of our viewpoint, to tell you somewhat of our *understanding of things eternal. I am endeavoring to aid you in the crystallization of your thoughts about these values which are of infinite nature and eternal import.

32:5.7 There is in the mind of God a plan which embraces every creature of all his vast domains, and this plan is an eternal purpose of boundless opportunity, unlimited progress, and endless life. And the infinite treasures of such a matchless career are yours for the striving!

32:5.8 The goal of eternity is ahead! The adventure of divinity attainment lies before you! The race for perfection is on! whosoever will may enter, and certain victory will crown the efforts of every human being who will run the race of faith and trust, depending every step of the way on the leading of the indwelling Adjuster and on the guidance of that good spirit of the Universe Son, which so freely has been poured out upon all flesh.



33:1.1 Our Creator Son [Jesus Christ Michael] is the personification of the 611,121st original concept of infinite identity of simultaneous origin in the Universal Father and the Eternal Son. The Michael of Nebadon is the “only-begotten Son” personalizing this 611,121st universal concept of divinity and infinity. His headquarters is in the threefold mansion of light on Salvington. And this dwelling is so ordered because Michael has experienced the living of all three phases of intelligent creature existence: spiritual, morontial [soul level], and material. [as Son of Man Incarnate here and our Creator Son of God !] Because of the name associated with his seventh and final bestowal on Urantia, [Earth,] he is sometimes spoken of as Christ Michael. [Michael is a high Spirit Title of Jesus Christ which means: HE Who IS Just like GOD]

33:1.2 Our Creator Son is not the Eternal Son, the existential Paradise associate of the Universal Father and the Infinite Spirit. Michael of Nebadon is not a member of the Paradise Trinity. Nevertheless our Master Son possesses in his realm all of the divine attributes and powers that the Eternal Son himself would manifest were he actually to be present on Salvington and functioning in Nebadon. Michael possesses even additional power and authority, for he not only personifies the Eternal Son but also fully represents and actually embodies the personality presence of the Universal Father to and in this local universe. [!] He even represents the Father-Son. [!] These relationships constitute a Creator Son the most powerful, versatile, and influential of all divine beings who are capable of direct administration of evolutionary universes and of personality contact with immature creature beings.

33:1.3 Our Creator Son exerts the same spiritual drawing power, spirit gravity, from the headquarters of the local universe that the Eternal Son of Paradise would exert if he were personally present on Salvington, and more; this Universe Son is also the personification of the Universal Father to the universe of Nebadon. Creator Sons are personality centers for the spiritual forces of the Paradise Father-Son. Creator Sons are the final power-personality focalizations of the mighty time-space attributes of God the Sevenfold. [Review here:]



8. God the Sevenfold

0:8.1 To atone for finity of status and to compensate for creature limitations of concept, the Universal Father has established the evolutionary creature’s sevenfold approach to Deity:

0:8.2 #1. The Paradise Creator Sons.

0:8.3 #2. The Ancients of Days.

0:8.4 #3. The Seven Master Spirits.

0:8.5 #4. The Supreme Being.

0:8.6 #5. God the Spirit.

0:8.7 #6. God the Son.

0:8.8 #7. God the Father.

0:8.9 This sevenfold Deity personalization in time and space and to the seven superuniverses enables mortal man to attain the presence of God, who is spirit. This sevenfold Deity, to finite time-space creatures sometime power-personalizing in the Supreme Being, is the functional Deity of the mortal evolutionary creatures of the Paradise-ascension career. Such an experiential discovery-career of the realization of God begins with the recognition of the divinity of the Creator Son of the local universe and ascends through the superuniverse Ancients of Days and by way of the person of one of the Seven Master Spirits to the attainment of the discovery and recognition of the divine personality of the Universal Father on Paradise. [now, back to Paper 33:]

33:1.4 The Creator Son is the vicegerent [deputy, representative] personalization of the Universal Father, the divinity co-ordinate of the Eternal Son, and the creative associate of the Infinite Spirit. To our universe and all its inhabited worlds the Sovereign Son is, to all practical intents and purposes, God. He personifies all of the Paradise Deities which evolving mortals can *discerningly comprehend. This Son and his Spirit associate are your creator parents. To you, Michael, the Creator Son, is the supreme personality; to you, the Eternal Son is supersupreme—an infinite Deity personality. [Now, our Creator Son is elevated up to a Master Son and is a Member of the Trinity Ultimate in the more glorious, more real, Master Universe. And He is more, being Revealed later in stages as we ascend.]

33:1.5 In the person of the Creator Son we have a ruler and divine parent who is just as mighty, efficient, and beneficent as would be the Universal Father and the Eternal Son if both were present on Salvington and engaged in the administration of the affairs of the universe of Nebadon.


33:2.1 Observation of Creator Sons discloses that some resemble more the Father, some the Son, while others are a blend of both their infinite parents. Our Creator Son very definitely manifests traits and attributes which more resemble the Eternal Son. [Note here:] 7:7.1 The Eternal Son is a complete, exclusive, universal, and final revelation of the spirit and the personality of the Universal Father.

33:2.2 Michael elected to organize this local universe, [over 400 billion years ago,] and herein he now reigns supreme. His personal power is limited by the pre-existent gravity circuits centering at Paradise and by the reservation on the part of the Ancients of Days of the superuniverse government of all final executive judgments regarding the extinction of personality. [No “hell” God is infinite love and lavish mercy Ministry to all ! Those who fully refuse God’s gift of eternal life are painlessly extinguished as if they never were ! To Be and Eternal Son of God or to be not ! Chose Eternal Life in God and His Light !] Personality is the sole bestowal of the Father, but the Creator Sons, with the approval of the Eternal Son, do initiate new creature designs, and with the working co-operation of their Spirit associates they may attempt new transformations of energy-matter.

33:2.3 Michael is the personification of the Paradise Father-Son to and in the local universe of Nebadon; therefore, when the Creative Mother Spirit, the local universe representation of the Infinite Spirit, subordinated herself to Christ Michael upon the return from his final bestowal on Urantia, the Master Son thereby acquired jurisdiction over “all power in heaven and on earth.”

33:2.4 This subordination of the Divine Ministers to the Creator Sons of the local universes constitutes these Master Sons the personal repositories of the finitely manifestable divinity of the Father, Son, and Spirit, while the creature-bestowal experiences of the Michaels qualify them to portray the experiential divinity of the Supreme Being. No other beings in the universes have thus personally exhausted the potentials of present finite experience, and no other beings in the universes possess such qualifications for solitary sovereignty.

33:2.5 Although Michael’s headquarters is officially located on Salvington, the capital of Nebadon, he spends much of his time visiting the constellation and system headquarters and even the individual planets. [! Many times Jesus has been personally here ! He is always here in Spirit and One with God the Universal Father ! They are the combined Father-Son Union Spirit of Truth. Some of that is also in John chapters 16 and 17.] Periodically he journeys to Paradise and often to Uversa, where he counsels with the Ancients of Days. When he is away from Salvington, his place is assumed by Gabriel, who then functions as regent of the universe of Nebadon.


33:3.1 While pervading all the universes of time and space, the Infinite Spirit functions from the headquarters of each local universe as a specialized focalization acquiring full personality qualities by the technique of creative co-operation with the Creator Son. As concerns a local universe, the administrative authority of a Creator Son is supreme; the Infinite Spirit, as the Divine Minister, is wholly co-operative though perfectly co-ordinate.

33:3.2 The Universe Mother Spirit of Salvington, [the Holy Spirit] the associate of [our Jesus Christ] Michael in the control and administration of Nebadon, is of the sixth group of Supreme Spirits, being the 611,121st of that order. She volunteered to accompany Michael on the occasion of his liberation from Paradise obligations and has ever since functioned with him in creating and governing his universe.

33:3.3 The Master Creator Son is the personal sovereign of his universe, but in all the details of its management the Universe Spirit is codirector with the Son. While the Spirit ever *acknowledges the Son as sovereign and ruler, the Son always accords the Spirit a co-ordinate position and equality of authority in all the affairs of the realm. In all his work of love and life bestowal the Creator Son is always and ever perfectly sustained and ably assisted by the all-wise and ever-faithful Universe Spirit and by all of her diversified retinue of angelic personalities. Such a Divine Minister is in reality the mother of spirits and spirit personalities, the ever-present and all-wise adviser of the Creator Son, a faithful and true manifestation of the Paradise Infinite Spirit.

33:3.4 The Son functions as a father in his local universe. The Spirit, as mortal creatures would *understand, enacts the role of a mother, always assisting the Son and being everlastingly indispensable to the administration of the universe. In the face of insurrection only the Son and his associated Sons can function as deliverers. Never can the Spirit undertake to contest rebellion or defend authority, but ever does the Spirit sustain the Son in all of everything he may be required to experience in his efforts to stabilize government and uphold authority on worlds tainted with evil or dominated by sin. Only a Son can retrieve the work of their joint creation, but no Son could hope for final success without the incessant co-operation of the Divine Minister and her vast assemblage of spirit helpers, the daughters of God, who so faithfully and valiantly struggle for the welfare of mortal men and the glory of their divine parents.

33:3.5 Upon the completion of the Creator Son’s seventh and final creature bestowal, the uncertainties of periodic isolation terminate for the Divine Minister, and the Son’s universe helper becomes forever settled in surety and control. It is at the enthronement of the Creator Son as a Master Son, at the jubilee of jubilees, that the Universe Spirit, before the assembled hosts, first makes public and universal *acknowledgment of subordination to the Son, pledging fidelity and obedience. This event occurred in Nebadon at the time of Michael’s return to Salvington after the Urantian bestowal. Never before this momentous occasion did the Universe Spirit *acknowledge subordination to the Universe Son, and not until after this voluntary relinquishment of power and authority by the Spirit could it be truthfully proclaimed of the Son that “all power in heaven and on earth has been committed to his hand.”

33:3.6 After this pledge of subordination by the Creative Mother Spirit, Michael of Nebadon nobly *acknowledged his eternal dependence on his Spirit companion, constituting the Spirit coruler of his universe domains and requiring all their creatures to pledge themselves in loyalty to the Spirit as they had to the Son; and there issued and went forth the final “Proclamation of Equality.” Though he was the sovereign of this local universe, the Son published to the worlds the fact of the Spirit’s equality with him in all endowments of personality and attributes of divine character. And this becomes the transcendent pattern for the family organization and government of even the lowly creatures of the worlds of space. This is, in deed and in truth, the high ideal of the family and the human institution of voluntary marriage.

33:3.7 The Son and the Spirit now preside over the universe much as a father and mother watch over, and minister to, their family of sons and daughters. It is not altogether out of place to refer to the Universe Spirit as the creative companion of the Creator Son [and the Bride of Christ in the Bible] and to regard the creatures of the realms as their sons and daughters—a grand and glorious family but one of untold responsibilities and endless watchcare.

33:3.8 The Son initiates the creation of certain of the universe children, while the Spirit is solely responsible for bringing into existence the numerous orders of spirit personalities who minister and serve under the direction and guidance of this selfsame Mother Spirit. In the creation of other types of universe personalities, both the Son and the Spirit function together, and in no creative act does the one do aught without the counsel and approval of the other.


33:5.2 Immanuel of Salvington, number 611,121 of the sixth order of Supreme Trinity Personalities, is a being of sublime dignity and of such superb condescension that he refuses the worship and adoration of all living creatures. He bears the distinction of being the only personality in all Nebadon who has never ac*knowledged subordination to his brother Michael. He functions as adviser to the Sovereign Son but gives counsel only on request. In the absence of the Creator Son he might preside over any high universe council but would not otherwise participate in the executive affairs of the universe except as requested.

Topical Study number 134

"KNOW and related words !"

Part 14

Compiled April 16, 2021 by Dave@PureChristians.org

The Urantia Book



[Paper:Section.Paragraph (numbers)]

34:1.1 After the completion of the physical organization of a starry and planetary cluster and the establishment of the energy circuits by the superuniverse power centers, subsequent to this preliminary work of creation by the agencies of the Infinite Spirit, operating through, and under the direction of, his local universe creative focalization, [later becoming our Creative Mother Spirit Partner of our Creator Son Jesus Christ Michael; and both are running and evolving-perfecting our local universe of Nebadon] there goes forth the proclamation of the Michael Son that life is next to be projected in the newly organized universe. Upon the Paradise recognition of this declaration of intention, there occurs a reaction of approval in the Paradise Trinity, followed by the disappearance in the spiritual shining of the Deities of the Master Spirit in whose superuniverse [we are in Superuniverse #7 of seven, named Orvonton, and with a spiritual capital named Uversa] this new creation is organizing. Meanwhile the other [six] Master Spirits draw near this central lodgment of the Paradise Deities, and subsequently, when the Deity-embraced Master Spirit emerges to the recognition of his fellows, there occurs what is *known as a “primary eruption.” This is a tremendous spiritual flash, a phenomenon clearly *discernible as far away as the headquarters of the superuniverse concerned; and simultaneously with this little-understood Trinity manifestation there occurs a marked change in the nature of the creative spirit presence and power of the Infinite Spirit resident in the local universe concerned. In response to these Paradise phenomena there immediately personalizes, in the very presence of the Creator Son, a new personal representation of the Infinite Spirit. This is the Divine Minister. The individualized Creative Spirit helper of the Creator Son has become his personal creative associate, the local universe Mother Spirit.


34:4.10 The seven adjutant mind-spirits are the creation of the Divine Minister of a local universe. These mind-spirits are similar in character but diverse in power, and all partake alike of the nature of the Universe Spirit, although they are hardly regarded as personalities apart from their Mother Creator. The seven adjutants have been given the following names: [listed highest to lowest. Life forms up through the higher animals have up to worship and wisdom; only humans have all seven] the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of worship, the spirit of counsel, the spirit of *knowledge, the spirit of courage, the spirit of *understanding, the spirit of intuition—of quick perception.

34:4.11 These are the “seven spirits of God,” “like lamps burning before the throne,” which the prophet saw in the symbols of vision. But he did not *see the seats of the four and twenty sentinels about these seven adjutant mind-spirits. This record represents the confusion of two presentations, one pertaining to the universe headquarters [Salvington] and the other to the system capital. [Jerusem. (note the spelling, not just the city here named Jerusalem !)] The seats of the four and twenty elders are on Jerusem, the headquarters of your local system of inhabited worlds.


34:5.7 The presence of the Holy Spirit of the Universe Daughter of the Infinite Spirit, of the Spirit of Truth of the Universe Son of the Eternal Son, and of the [Thought] Adjuster-spirit of the Paradise Father in or with an evolutionary mortal, denotes symmetry of spiritual endowment and ministry and qualifies such a mortal consciously to *realize the faith-fact of sonship with God.


34:6.11 The [combined] Spirit never drives, only leads. If you are a willing *learner, if you want to attain spirit levels and reach divine heights, if you sincerely desire to reach the eternal goal, then the divine Spirit will gently and lovingly lead you along the pathway of sonship and spiritual progress. Every step you take must be one of willingness, intelligent and cheerful co-operation. The domination of the Spirit is never tainted with coercion nor compromised by compulsion. [God the Universal Father on Paradise has given all normal humans Personality with full freewill to choose to follow God's indwelling Will or to chose the self-will at every instant of time. The more any human chooses God's perfect will, the greater is the growth of his/her soul. Souls are resurrected into higher soul forms, never low, weak physical body forms, in our next 570 progressively higher Soul Reality Heavens made by Jesus Christ for us to then become much higher 1st-stage Spirits; then very much more ! in our glorious Eternal Paradise Destiny !]

34:6.13 The consciousness of the spirit domination of a human life is presently attended by an increasing exhibition of the characteristics of the Spirit in the life reactions of such a spirit-led mortal, “for the fruits of the spirit are love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance.” [Bible. See below Jesus' actual list and compare.] Such spirit-guided and divinely illuminated mortals, while they yet tread the lowly paths of toil and in human faithfulness perform the duties of their earthly assignments, have already begun to *discern the lights of eternal life as they glimmer on the faraway shores of another world; already have they begun to comprehend the reality of that inspiring and comforting truth, “The kingdom of God is not meat and drink but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.” And throughout every trial and in the presence of every hardship, spirit-born souls are sustained by that hope which transcends all fear because the love of God is shed abroad in all hearts by the presence of the divine Spirit.

193:2.2 [Jesus said, in part:] "...the fruits of the divine spirit which are yielded in the lives of spirit-born and *God-knowing mortals are: loving service, unselfish devotion, courageous loyalty, sincere fairness, enlightened honesty, undying hope, confiding trust, merciful ministry, unfailing goodness, forgiving tolerance, and enduring peace."


34:7.8 Having started out on the way of life everlasting, having accepted the assignment and received your orders to advance, do not fear the dangers of human *forgetfulness and mortal inconstancy, do not be troubled with doubts of failure or by perplexing confusion, do not falter and question your status and standing, for in every dark hour, at every crossroad in the forward struggle, the Spirit of Truth will always speak, saying, “This is the way.”



[Jesus Christ is the highest Universe Creator Son of God, and more ! Then, just one step down are the Melchizedek Sons who do not create in this first, Grand Universe (Supreme) Age.]

35:3.11 The pilot world, the sphere Melchizedek, is the common meeting ground for all beings who are engaged in educating and spiritualizing the ascending mortals of time and space. To an ascender this world is probably the most interesting place in all Nebadon.[having 100 constellations] All evolutionary mortals who graduate from their constellation [of 100 systems] training are destined to land on Melchizedek, where they are initiated into the regime of the disciplines and spirit progression of the Salvington [Nebadon spiritual headquarters] educational system. And never will you *forget your reactions to the first day of life on this unique world, not even after you have reached your Paradise destination. [Wow ! Wonderful ! Beautiful !]

5. The Vorondadek Sons

35:5.1 After the creation of the personal aids and the first group of the versatile Melchizedeks, the Creator Son and the local universe Creative Spirit planned for, and brought into existence, the second great and diverse order of universe sonship, the Vorondadeks. They are more generally known as Constellation Fathers because a Son of this order is uniformly found at the head of each constellation government in every local universe. [normally, three Vorondakek Sons; but now we have twelve in our constellation to better help us to progress after the Lucifer, Satan, and Caligastia rebellion from 200,000 B.C. up to May 18, A.D. 30 when Jesus Christ returned here in Spirit as our Sovereign God-Man; and He then stripped all evil powers away from these few rebelling Sons of God.]


35:9.5 The System Sovereigns [two levels: Primary and Secondary] are true to their names; they are well-nigh sovereign in the local affairs of the inhabited worlds. They are almost paternal in their direction of the Planetary Princes, the Material Sons, and the ministering spirits. The personal *grasp of the sovereign is all but complete. These rulers are not supervised by Trinity observers from the central universe. They are the executive division of the local universe, and as custodians of the enforcement of legislative mandates and as executives for the application of judicial verdicts, they present the one place in all universe administration where personal disloyalty to the will of the Michael Son could most easily and readily intrench itself and *seek to assert itself. [Lucifer was a Primary Lanonandek, Satan was a Secondary-level. Lucifer was almost immediately replaced by Lanaforge, a loyal Son of God.]

35:9.7 The large number of these Sons who have lapsed from integrity does not indicate any fault in creatorship. They could have been made divinely perfect, but they were so created that they might better *understand, and draw near to, the evolutionary creatures dwelling on the worlds of time and space.


35:10.3 While serving as training spheres for ascending mortals, the Lanonandek worlds are the centers for extensive undertakings having to do with the normal and routine administrative operations of the universe. All the way in to Paradise the ascending pilgrims pursue their studies in the practical schools of applied *knowledge—actual training in really doing the things they are being taught. The universe educational system sponsored by the Melchizedeks is practical, progressive, meaningful, and experiential. It embraces training in things material, intellectual, morontial, and spiritual.



36:4.8 The purpose of the [mysterious to us] midsonite creatures is not at present *known, but it would appear that these personalities are forgathering on the seventh finaliter world in preparation for some future eventuality in universe evolution. Our inquiries concerning the midsonite races are always referred to the finaliters, and always do the finaliters decline to discuss the destiny of their wards. Regardless of our uncertainty as to the future of the midsoniters, we do *know that every local universe in Orvonton harbors such an accumulating corps of these mysterious beings. It is the belief of the Melchizedek life carriers that their midsonite children will some day be endowed with the transcendental and eternal spirit of absonity by God the Ultimate. [in the, to us later, Master Universe of Super-Supreme Ultimate Reality. Higher still is the Absolute level, higher still the Infinite level of God Who must Be Super-Infinite !]


36:5.1 It is the presence of the seven adjutant mind-spirits on the primitive worlds that conditions the course of organic evolution; that explains why evolution is purposeful and not accidental. These adjutants represent that function of the mind ministry of the Infinite Spirit which is extended to the lower orders of intelligent life through the operations of a local universe Mother Spirit. The adjutants are the children of the Universe Mother Spirit and constitute her personal ministry to the material minds of the realms. Wherever and whenever such mind is manifest, these spirits are variously functioning.

36:5.2 The seven adjutant mind-spirits are called by names which are the equivalents of the following designations: intuition, *understanding, courage, *knowledge, counsel, worship, and wisdom. These mind-spirits send forth their influence into all the inhabited worlds as a differential urge, each *seeking receptivity capacity for manifestation quite apart from the degree to which its fellows may find reception and opportunity for function.

36:5.3 The central lodgments of the adjutant spirits on the Life Carrier headquarters world indicate to the Life Carrier supervisors the extent and quality of the mind function of the adjutants on any world and in any given living organism of intellect status. These life-mind emplacements are perfect indicators of living mind function for the first five adjutants. But with regard to the sixth and seventh adjutant spirits — worship and wisdom — these central lodgments record only a qualitative function. The quantitative activity of the adjutant of worship and the adjutant of wisdom is registered in the immediate presence of the Divine Minister on Salvington, being a personal experience of the Universe Mother Spirit.

36:5.4 The seven adjutant mind-spirits always accompany the Life Carriers to a new planet, but they should not be regarded as entities; they are more like circuits. The spirits of the seven universe adjutants do not function as personalities apart from the universe presence of the Divine Minister; they are in fact a level of consciousness of the Divine Minister and are always subordinate to the action and presence of their creative mother.

36:5.5 We are handicapped for words adequately to designate these seven adjutant mind-spirits. They are ministers of the lower levels of experiential mind, and they may be described, in the order of evolutionary attainment, as follows:

36:5.6 #1. The spirit of intuition — quick perception, the primitive physical and inherent reflex instincts, the directional and other self-preservative endowments of all mind creations; the only one of the adjutants to function so largely in the lower orders of animal life and the only one to make extensive functional contact with the nonteachable levels of mechanical mind.

36:5.7 #2. The spirit of *understanding—the impulse of co-ordination, the spontaneous and apparently automatic association of ideas. This is the gift of the co-ordination of acquired *knowledge, the phenomenon of quick reasoning, rapid judgment, and prompt decision.

36:5.8 #3. The spirit of courage — the fidelity endowment — in personal beings, the basis of character acquirement and the intellectual root of moral stamina and spiritual bravery. When enlightened by facts and inspired by truth, this becomes the secret of the urge of evolutionary ascension by the channels of intelligent and conscientious self-direction.

36:5.9 #4. The spirit of *knowledge—the curiosity-mother of adventure and discovery, the scientific spirit; the guide and faithful associate of the spirits of courage and counsel; the urge to direct the endowments of courage into useful and progressive paths of growth.

36:5.10 #5. The spirit of counsel — the social urge, the endowment of species co-operation; the ability of will creatures to harmonize with their fellows; the origin of the gregarious instinct among the more lowly creatures.

36:5.11 #6. The spirit of worship — the religious impulse, the first differential urge separating mind creatures into the two basic classes of mortal existence. The spirit of worship forever distinguishes the animal of its association from the soulless creatures of mind endowment. Worship is the badge of spiritual-ascension candidacy.

36:5.12 #7. The spirit of wisdom — the inherent tendency of all moral creatures towards orderly and progressive evolutionary advancement. This is the highest of the adjutants, the spirit co-ordinator and articulator of the work of all the others. This spirit is the secret of that inborn urge of mind creatures which initiates and maintains the practical and effective program of the ascending scale of existence; that gift of living things which accounts for their inexplicable ability to survive and, in survival, to utilize the co-ordination of all their past experience and present opportunities for the acquisition of all of everything that all of the other six mental ministers can mobilize in the mind of the organism concerned. Wisdom is the acme of intellectual performance. Wisdom is the goal of a purely mental [mind] and moral [soul] existence.

36:5.15 Living mind, prior to the appearance of capacity to *learn from experience, is the ministry domain of the Master Physical Controllers. Creature mind, before acquiring the ability to *recognize divinity and worship Deity, is the exclusive domain of the adjutant spirits. With the appearance of the spiritual response of the creature intellect, such created minds at once become superminded, being instantly encircuited in the spirit cycles of the local universe Mother Spirit. [!]


36:6.7 There are some things connected with the elaboration of life on the evolutionary planets which are not altogether clear to us. We fully comprehend the physical organization of the electrochemical formulas of the Life Carriers, but we do not wholly *understand the nature and source of the life-activation spark. We *know that life flows from the Father through the Son and by the Spirit. It is more than possible that the Master Spirits are the sevenfold channel of the river of life which is poured out upon all creation. But we do not comprehend the technique whereby the supervising Master Spirit participates in the initial episode of life bestowal on a new planet. The Ancients of Days, we are confident, also have some part in this inauguration of life on a new world, but we are wholly ignorant of the nature thereof. We do *know that the Universe Mother Spirit actually vitalizes the lifeless patterns and imparts to such activated plasm the prerogatives of organismal reproduction. We observe that these three are the levels of God the Sevenfold, sometimes designated as the Supreme Creators of time and space; but otherwise we *know little more than Urantia mortals—simply that concept is inherent in the Father, expression in the Son, and life realization in the Spirit.



37:3.1 Archangels are the offspring of the Creator Son and the Universe Mother Spirit. They are the highest type of high spirit being produced in large numbers in a local universe, and at the time of the last registry there were almost eight hundred thousand in Nebadon.

37:3.2 Archangels are one of the few groups of local universe personalities who are not normally under the jurisdiction of Gabriel. They are not in any manner concerned with the routine administration of the universe, being dedicated to the work of creature survival and to the furtherance of the ascending career of the mortals of time and space. While not ordinarily subject to the direction of the Bright and Morning Star, the archangels do sometimes function by his authority. They also collaborate with others of the Universe Aids, such as the Evening Stars, as is illustrated by certain transactions depicted in the narrative of life transplantation on your world.

37:3.4 [Very Important. About 20 advanced paragraphs in The Urantia Book on this ! Not covered here. Maybe a later study.] Do you *grasp the significance of the fact that your lowly and confused planet has become a divisional headquarters for the universe administration and direction of certain archangel activities having to do with the Paradise ascension scheme? This undoubtedly presages the future concentration of other ascendant activities on the bestowal world of Michael and lends a tremendous and solemn import to the Master’s personal promise, “I will come again.”


37:4.5 Most of this corps is enlisted in assisting the Nebadon Paradise personalities—the Union of Days, [Immanuel, the Trinity Ambassador to Nebadon and the co-equal Eternal Spirit Brother of Jesus,] the Creator Son, the Faithfuls of Days, the Magisterial Sons, and the Trinity Teacher Sons. Now and then in the transaction of the affairs of a local creation it becomes wise to withhold certain details, temporarily, from the *knowledge of practically all of the native personalities of that local universe. Certain advanced plans and complex rulings are also better *grasped and more fully understood by the more mature and far*seeing corps of Most High Assistants, and it is in such situations, and many others, that they are so highly serviceable to the universe rulers and administrators.


37:5.1 The High Commissioners are Spirit-fused ascendant mortals; they are not Adjuster fused. You quite well *understand about the universe-ascension career of a mortal candidate for Adjuster fusion, that being the high destiny in prospect for all Urantia mortals since the bestowal of Christ Michael. But this is not the exclusive destiny of all mortals in the prebestowal ages of worlds like yours, and there is another type of world whose inhabitants are never permanently indwelt by Thought Adjusters. Such mortals are never permanently joined in union with a Mystery Monitor of Paradise bestowal; nevertheless, the Adjusters do transiently indwell them, serving as guides and patterns for the duration of the life in the flesh. During this temporary sojourn they foster the evolution of an immortal soul just as in those beings with whom they hope to fuse, but when the mortal race is run, they take eternal leave of the creatures of temporary association. [We are to be Father-fused, many are Spirit-fused and a very few are Son-fused. Different destinies in this first Supreme Age; but all are equal in later ages and on Paradise. God loves all Beings equally and all have potential for equal lavish Glory Destiny !]


37:10.3 The Spornagia. The architectural headquarters worlds of the local universe are real worlds—physical creations. There is much work connected with their physical upkeep, and herein we have the assistance of a group of physical creatures called spornagia. They are devoted to the care and culture of the material phases of these headquarters worlds, from Jerusem to Salvington. Spornagia are neither spirits nor persons; they are an animal order of existence, but if you could *see them, you would agree that they *seem to be perfect animals. [They are a higher soul physical reality, not visible to humans. We start out here seeing only 1% of the whole electromagnetic spectrum -- only the seven major colors of the rainbow. Later we will see all energies - probably 700 colors !]

37:10.6 There are still other types of intelligent life concerned with the administration of a local universe, but the plan of this narrative does not provide for the further *revelation of these orders of creation. Enough of the life and administration of this universe is being herewith portrayed to afford the mortal mind a *grasp of the reality and grandeur of the survival existence. [until about year A.D. 2935 or sooner. Then much more will be *revealed to us as we further evolve much higher without end !] Further experience in your advancing careers will increasingly *reveal these interesting and charming beings. This narrative cannot be more than a brief outline of the nature and work of the manifold personalities who throng the universes of space administering these creations as enormous training schools, schools wherein the pilgrims of time advance from life to life and from world to world until they are lovingly dispatched from the borders of the universe of their origin to the higher educational regime of the superuniverse and thence on to the spirit-training worlds of Havona and eventually to Paradise and the high destiny of the finaliters—the eternal assignment on missions not yet revealed [as now incomprehensible !] to the universes of time and space. [We do now live, experience and advance in a Cosmos Infinite and Eternal !]

Topical Study number 134

"KNOW and related words !"

Part 15

Compiled April 19, 2021 by Dave@PureChristians.org

The Urantia Book



[Paper:Section.Paragraph (numbers)]

38:2.1 Angels do not have material bodies, but they are definite and discrete beings; they are of spirit nature and origin. Though invisible to mortals, they *perceive you as you are in the flesh without the aid of transformers or translators; they intellectually *understand the mode of mortal life, and they share all of man’s nonsensuous emotions and sentiments. They appreciate and greatly enjoy your efforts in music, art, and real humor. They are fully cognizant of your moral struggles and spiritual difficulties. They love human beings, and only good can result from your efforts to *understand and love them.

38:2.3 The seraphim are so created as to function on both spiritual and literal levels. There are few phases of morontia [soul] or spirit activity which are not open to their ministrations. While in personal status angels are not so far removed from human beings, in certain functional performances seraphim far transcend them. They possess many powers far beyond human comprehension. For example: You have been told that the “very hairs of your head are numbered,” and it is true they are, but a seraphim does not spend her time counting them and keeping the number corrected up to date. Angels possess inherent and automatic (that is, automatic as far as you could *perceive) powers of *knowing such things; you would truly regard a seraphim as a mathematical prodigy. Therefore, numerous duties which would be tremendous tasks for mortals are performed with exceeding ease by seraphim. [Seraphim can travel up to three times the speed of light; which is going 21 times around the equator of the earth in one second. Higher Sons of God and Spirit Beings can travel up to infinite velocity, and have no time or space limitations. Some are Omnipresent !]

38:2.5 You do well to love them, but you should not adore them; angels are not objects of worship. The great seraphim, Loyalatia, when your *seer “fell down to worship before the feet of the angel,” said: “*see that you do it not; I am a fellow servant with you and with your races, who are all enjoined to worship God.”


38:9.13 Midwayers [bridging the gap between higher seraphim and lower humans. The can travel only up to twice the speed of light. They can control physical things better than seraphim.] remain for long periods on an inhabited world, but if faithful to their trust, they will eventually and most certainly be *recognized for their agelong service in maintaining the sovereignty of the Creator Son; they will be duly rewarded for their patient ministry to the material mortals on their world of time and space. Sooner or later all accredited midway creatures will be mustered into the ranks of the ascending Sons of God and will be duly initiated into the long adventure of the Paradise ascent in company with those very mortals of animal origin, their earth brethren, whom they so jealously guarded and so effectively served during the long planetary sojourn.



39:0.10 Human beings sometimes find it hard to *understand that a created capacity for higher-level ministry does not necessarily imply ability to function on relatively lower service levels. Man begins life as a helpless infant; hence every mortal attainment must embrace all experiential prerequisites; seraphim have no such preadult life—no childhood. They are, however, experiential creatures, and by experience and through additional education they can augment their divine and inherent endowment of ability by the experiential acquirement of functional skill in one or more of the seraphic services.

39:0.11 After being commissioned, seraphim are assigned to the reserves of their inherent group. Those of planetary and administrator status often serve for long periods as originally classified, but the higher the inherent function level, the more persistently do the angelic ministers *seek assignment to the lower orders of universe service. Especially do they desire assignment to the reserves of the planetary helpers, and if successful they enroll in the celestial schools attached to the headquarters of the Planetary Prince of some evolutionary world. Here they begin the study of the languages, history, and local habits of the races of mankind. Seraphim must acquire *knowledge and gain experience much as do human beings. They are not far removed from you in certain personality attributes. And they all crave to start at the bottom, on the lowest possible level of ministry; thus may they hope to achieve the highest possible level of experiential destiny.


39:1.7 #2. Court Advisers. These are the seraphic advisers and helpers attached to all orders of adjudication, from the conciliators up to the highest tribunals of the realm. It is not the purpose of such tribunals to determine punitive sentences but rather to adjudicate honest differences of opinion and to decree the everlasting survival of ascending mortals. Herein lies the duty of the court advisers: to *see that all charges against mortal creatures are stated in justice and adjudicated in mercy. In this work they are closely associated with the High Commissioners, Spirit-fused ascendant mortals serving in the local universe.

39:1.8 The seraphic court advisers serve extensively as defenders of mortals. Not that there ever exists any disposition to be unfair to the lowly creatures of the realms, but while justice demands the adjudication of every default in the climb towards divine perfection, mercy requires that every such misstep be fairly adjudged in accordance with the creature nature and the divine purpose. These angels are the exponents and exemplification of the element of mercy inherent in divine justice—of fairness based on the *knowledge of the underlying facts of personal motives and racial tendencies.

39:1.10 #3. Universe Orientators. These are the true friends and postgraduate counselors of all those ascending creatures who are pausing for the last time on Salvington, [the spiritual headquarters of Nebadon local universe] in their universe of origin, as they stand on the brink of the spirit adventure stretching out before them in the vast superuniverse of Orvonton. And at such a time many an ascender has a feeling which mortals could *understand only by comparison with the human emotion of nostalgia. Behind lie the realms of achievement, realms grown familiar by long service [maybe 500,000 or more years in the 570 soul reality spheres of Nebadon] and morontia attainment; ahead lies the challenging mystery of a greater and vaster universe. [Then maybe a trillion years in the greater Havona. Then Eternity in Paradise and more spheres without end !]

39:1.13 #4. The Teaching Counselors. These angels are the invaluable assistants of the spiritual teaching corps of the local universe. Teaching counselors are secretaries to all orders of teachers, from the Melchizedeks and the Trinity Teacher Sons down to the morontia mortals who are assigned as helpers to those of their kind who are just behind them in the scale of ascendant life. You will first *see these associate teaching seraphim on some one of the [next, immediate, of 570 total] seven mansion worlds surrounding Jerusem.


39:2.6 #3. Spirit Co-ordinators. The third group of superior seraphim are based on Salvington but function in the local universe anywhere they can be of fruitful service. While their tasks are essentially spiritual and therefore beyond the real *understanding of human minds, you will perhaps *grasp something of their ministry to mortals if it is explained that these angels are intrusted with the task of preparing the ascendant sojourners on Salvington for their last transition in the local universe—from the highest morontia level to the status of newborn spirit beings. As the mind planners on the mansion worlds help the surviving creature to adjust to, and make effective use of, the potentials of morontia mind, so do these seraphim instruct the morontia graduates on Salvington regarding the newly attained capacities of the mind of the spirit. And they serve the ascendant mortals in many other ways.

39:2.16 Seraphic recorders of the superior order thus effect a close liaison with the intelligence corps of their own order and with all subordinate recorders, while the broadcasts enable them to maintain constant communication with the higher recorders of the superuniverse and, through this channel, with the recorders of Havona and the custodians of *knowledge on Paradise. Many of the superior order of recorders are seraphim ascended from similar duties in lower sections of the universe.


39:4.10 #4. Quickeners of Morality. On the mansion worlds you begin to *learn self-government for the benefit of all concerned. Your mind *learns co-operation, *learns how to plan with other and wiser beings. On the system headquarters the seraphic teachers will further quicken your appreciation of cosmic morality—of the interactions of liberty and loyalty.

39:4.11 What is loyalty? It is the fruit of an intelligent appreciation of universe brotherhood; one could not take so much and give nothing. As you ascend the personality scale, first you *learn to be loyal, then to love, then to be filial, [your sonship relation to God our Father] and then may you be free; but not until you are a finaliter, not until you have attained perfection of loyalty, can you self-*realize finality of liberty.

39:4.13 To the inhabited worlds the quickeners of morality portray mortal life as an unbroken chain of many links. Your short sojourn on Urantia, on this sphere of mortal infancy, is only a single link, the very first in the long chain that is to stretch across universes and through the eternal ages. It is not so much what you *learn in this first life; it is the experience of living this life that is important. Even the work of this world, paramount though it is, is not nearly so important as the way in which you do this work. There is no material reward for righteous living, but there is profound satisfaction—consciousness of achievement—and this transcends any conceivable material reward.


39:5.4 #2. The Spirits of Brotherhood. It should be apparent that, when an Adam and Eve [our racial uplifters came here 38,000 years ago; they were only partly successful.] arrive on an evolutionary world, the task of achieving racial harmony and social co-operation among its diverse races is one of considerable proportions. Seldom do these races of different colors and varied natures take kindly to the plan of human brotherhood. These primitive men only come to *realize the wisdom of peaceful interassociation as a result of ripened *human experience and through the faithful ministry of the seraphic spirits of brotherhood. Without the work of these seraphim the efforts of the Material Sons to harmonize and advance the races of an evolving world would be greatly delayed. And had your Adam adhered to the original plan for the advancement of Urantia, [Earth] by this time these spirits of brotherhood would have worked unbelievable transformations in the human race. In view of the Adamic default, it is indeed remarkable that these seraphic orders have been able to foster and bring to realization even as much of brotherhood as you now have on Urantia.

39:5.5 #3. The Souls of Peace. The early millenniums of the upward strivings of evolutionary men are marked by many a struggle. Peace is not the natural state of the material realms. The worlds first *realize “peace on earth and good will among men” through the ministry of the seraphic souls of peace. Although these angels were largely thwarted in their early efforts on Urantia, Vevona, chief of the souls of peace in Adam’s day, was left on Urantia and is now attached to the staff of the resident governor general. And it was this same Vevona who, when [our Jesus Christ] Michael was born, heralded to the worlds, as the leader of the angelic host, “Glory to God in Havona and on earth peace and good will among men.”

39:5.9 In the more advanced planetary ages these seraphim enhance man’s appreciation of the truth that uncertainty is the secret of contented continuity. They help the mortal philosophers to *realize that, when ignorance is essential to success, it would be a colossal blunder for the creature to *know the future. They heighten man’s taste for the sweetness of uncertainty, for the romance and charm of the indefinite and un*known future. [Note here:]

108:6.8 You humans have begun an endless unfolding of an almost infinite panorama, a limitless expanding of never-ending, ever-widening spheres of opportunity for exhilarating service, matchless adventure, sublime uncertainty, and boundless attainment. ...


39:6.9 More about these seraphic ministers to transitional ascenders you will *learn in connection with the narratives dealing with the mansion worlds and the morontia life.



40:5.1 Mortals represent the last link in the chain of those beings who are called sons of God. The personal touch of the Original and Eternal Son passes on down through a series of decreasingly divine and increasingly human personalizations until there arrives a being much like yourselves, one you can *see, hear, and touch. [Our now Spirit Sovereign God-Man Jesus Christ Michael -- The Full Revelation of God to us, and here now and always in His Father-Son Union Spirit of Truth !] And then you are made spiritually aware of the great truth which your faith may *grasp—sonship with the eternal God!

40:5.18 The unnumbered series. These narratives cannot possibly embrace all of the fascinating variations in the evolutionary worlds. [an infinite or nearly infinite number of countless types of human beings in over two trillion galaxies ! A part of the Cosmos Infinite !!!] You *know that every tenth world is a decimal or experimental planet, [as our Urantia is,] but you *know nothing of the other variables that punctuate the processional of the evolutionary spheres. There are differences too numerous to narrate even between the revealed orders of living creatures as between planets of the same group, but this presentation makes clear the essential differences in relation to the ascension career. And the ascension career is the most important factor in any consideration of the mortals of time and space.


40:6.2 [Very powerful and important !] It is a solemn and supernal fact that such lowly and material creatures as Urantia human beings are the sons of God, faith children of the Highest. “*behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God.” “As many as received him, to them gave he the power to *recognize that they are the sons of God.” While “it does not yet appear what you shall be,” even now “you are the faith sons of God”; “for you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you have received the spirit of sonship, whereby you cry, ‘our Father.’” Spoke the prophet of old in the name of the eternal God: “Even to them will I give in my house a place and a name better than sons; I will give them an everlasting name, one that shall not be cut off.” “And because you are sons, God has sent forth the spirit of his Son into your hearts.” [Thank You, our all-loving and lavishly merciful Father God !]


40:7.5 [Thought Adjuster-Human] Fusion with a fragment of the Universal Father is equivalent to a divine validation of eventual Paradise attainment, and such Adjuster-fused mortals are the only class of human beings who all traverse the Havona circuits and find God on Paradise. To the Adjuster-fused mortal the career of universal service is wide open. What dignity of destiny and glory of attainment await every one of you! Do you fully appreciate what has been done for you? Do you comprehend the grandeur of the heights of eternal achievement which are spread out before you?—even you who now trudge on in the lowly path of life through your so-called “vale of tears”?


40:8.1 While practically all surviving mortals are fused with their Adjusters on one of the mansion worlds or immediately upon their arrival on the higher morontia spheres, there are certain cases of delayed fusion, some not experiencing this final surety of survival until they reach the last educational worlds of the universe headquarters; and a few of these mortal candidates for never-ending life utterly fail to attain identity fusion with their faithful Adjusters.

40:8.2 Such mortals have been deemed worthy of survival by the adjudicational authorities, and even their Adjusters, by returning from Divinington, [one of seven high Paradise Spheres of God the Universal Father] have concurred in their ascension to the mansion worlds. Such beings have ascended through a system, a constellation, and through the educational worlds of the Salvington circuit; they have enjoyed the “seventy times seven” opportunities for fusion and still have been unable to attain oneness with their Adjusters.

40:8.3 When it becomes apparent that some synchronizing difficulty is inhibiting Father fusion, the survival referees of the Creator Son are convened. And when this court of inquiry, sanctioned by a personal representative of the Ancients of Days, finally determines that the ascending mortal is not guilty of any discoverable cause for failure to attain fusion, they so certify on the records of the local universe and duly transmit this finding to the [Three in our Superuniverse] Ancients of Days. Thereupon does the indwelling Adjuster return forthwith [instantly] to Divinington for confirmation by the Personalized Monitors, [same as Personalized Adjusters] and upon this leave-taking the morontia mortal is immediately fused with an individualized gift of the spirit of the Creator Son.

40:8.4 Much as the [570 soul reality] morontia spheres of Nebadon are shared with the Spirit-fused mortals, so do these Son-fused creatures share the services of Orvonton [our Superuniverse #7 of seven] with their Adjuster-fused brethren who are journeying inward towards the far-distant Isle of Paradise. They are truly your brethren, and you will greatly enjoy their association as you pass through the training worlds of the superuniverse.

40:8.5 Son-fused mortals are not a numerous group, there being less than one million of them in the superuniverse of Orvonton. [Roughly, less than 1 in 10,000,000,000,000,000 humans ! (under 1 in 10 to the 16th power) are Son-fused !] Aside from residential destiny on Paradise they are in every way the equals of their Adjuster-fused associates. They frequently journey to Paradise on superuniverse assignment but seldom permanently reside there, being, as a class, confined to the superuniverse of their nativity. [in this first, Grand Universe Supreme Age. God loves and grants equally glorious Eternal Destinies to all in the "Big Picture of Reality" far beyond our limited comprehensions now.]


40:9.4 There is, however, one particular in which Spirit-fused mortals differ from their ascendant brethren: Mortal memory of *human experience on the material worlds of origin survives death in the flesh because the indwelling Adjuster has acquired a spirit counterpart, or transcript, of those events of human life which were of spiritual significance. But with Spirit-fused mortals there exists no such mechanism whereby human memory may persist. The Adjuster transcripts of memory are full and intact, but these acquisitions are experiential possessions of the departed Adjusters and are not available to the creatures of their former indwelling, who therefore awaken in the resurrection halls of the morontia spheres of Nebadon as if they were newly created beings, creatures without consciousness of former existence.

40:9.5 Such children of the local universe are enabled to repossess themselves of much of their former human memory experience through having it retold by the associated seraphim and cherubim and by consulting the records of the mortal career filed by the recording angels. This they can do with undoubted assurance because the surviving soul, of experiential origin in the material and mortal life, while having no memory of mortal events, does have a residual experiential-recognition-response to these un*remembered events of past experience. [!]

40:9.6 When a Spirit-fused mortal is told about the events of the un*remembered past experience, there is an immediate response of experiential recognition within the soul (identity) of such a survivor which instantly invests the narrated event with the emotional tinge of reality and with the intellectual quality of fact; and this dual response constitutes the reconstruction, recognition, and validation of an un*remembered facet of *mortal experience. [Very interesting !]

40:9.7 Even with Adjuster-fusion candidates, only those *human experiences which were of spiritual value are common possessions of the surviving mortal and the returning Adjuster and hence are immediately *remembered subsequent to mortal survival. Concerning those happenings which were not of spiritual significance, even these Adjuster-fusers must depend upon the attribute of recognition-response in the surviving soul. And since any one event may have a spiritual connotation to one mortal but not to another, it becomes possible for a group of contemporary ascenders from the same planet to pool their store of Adjuster-*remembered events and thus to reconstruct any experience which they had in common, and which was of spiritual value in the life of any one of them. [!]

40:9.8 While we *understand such techniques of memory reconstruction fairly well, we do not *grasp the technique of [I am of I AM] personality recognition. Personalities of onetime association mutually respond quite independently of the operation of memory, albeit, memory itself and the techniques of its reconstruction are necessary to invest such mutual personality response with the fullness of recognition.

40:9.9 A Spirit-fused survivor is also able to *learn much about the life he lived in the flesh by revisiting his nativity world subsequent to the planetary dispensation [possibly 1000 years?] in which he lived. Such children of Spirit fusion are enabled to enjoy these opportunities for investigating their human careers since they are in general confined to the service of the local universe. [in this first age] They do not share your high and exalted destiny in the Paradise Corps of the Finality; only Adjuster-fused mortals or other especially embraced ascendant beings are mustered into the ranks of those who await the eternal Deity adventure. Spirit-fused mortals are the permanent citizens of the local universes; they may aspire to Paradise destiny, but they cannot be sure of it. In Nebadon their universe home is the eighth group of worlds encircling Salvington, a [Paradisical level !] destiny-heaven of nature and location much like the one envisioned by the planetary traditions of Urantia.


40:10.2 Spirit-fused mortals are of the local universe; they do not, ordinarily, ascend beyond the confines of their native realm, beyond the boundaries of the space range of the [local universe Creative Mother] spirit that pervades them. Son-fused ascenders likewise rise to the source of spirit endowment, for much as the Truth Spirit of a Creator Son focalizes in the associated Divine Minister, so is his “fusion spirit” implemented in the Reflective Spirits of the higher universes. Such spirit relationship between the local and the superuniverse levels of God the Sevenfold may be difficult of explanation [yes, complex to us] but not of *discernment, being unmistakably revealed in those children of the Reflective Spirits—the secoraphic Voices of the Creator Sons. The Thought Adjuster, hailing from the Father on Paradise, never stops until the mortal son stands face to face with the eternal God.

40:10.6 While the Adjuster-fused finaliters obviously enjoy the widest service opportunity of all, the attainment of this goal automatically shuts them off from the chance to participate in the agelong struggle of some one universe or superuniverse, from the earlier and less settled epochs to the later and established eras of relative perfection attainment. Finaliters acquire a marvelous and far-flung experience of transient service in all seven segments of the grand universe, but they do not ordinarily acquire that intimate *knowledge of any one universe which even now characterizes the Spirit-fused veterans of the Nebadon Corps of Completion. These individuals enjoy an opportunity to witness the ascending processional of the planetary ages as they unfold one by one on ten million inhabited worlds. [in each of the 700,000 local universes now] And in the faithful service of such local universe citizens, experience superimposes upon experience until the fullness of time ripens that high quality of [localized and replete] wisdom which is engendered by focalized experience — authoritative wisdom—and this in itself is a vital factor in the settling of any local universe.

40:10.8 What the ultimate destiny of these stationary orders of local and of superuniverse citizenship will be we [a Mighty Messenger temporarily attached to the staff of Gabriel of Salvington] do not *know, but it is quite possible that, when the Paradise finaliters are pioneering the expanding frontiers of divinity in the planetary systems of the first outer space level, [the Transcendental Master Universe,] their Son- and Spirit-fused brethren of the ascendant evolutionary struggle will be acceptably contributing to the maintenance of the experiential equilibrium of the perfected superuniverses while they stand ready to welcome the incoming stream of Paradise pilgrims who may, at that distant day, pour in through Orvonton and its sister creations as a vast spirit-questing torrent from these now uncharted and uninhabited [recently confirmed now by our astronomers, two trillion plus !] galaxies of outer space.

40:10.14 As mortals you can now *recognize your place in the family of divine sonship and begin to sense the obligation to avail yourselves of the advantages so freely provided in and by the Paradise plan for mortal survival, which plan has been so enhanced and illuminated by the life experience of a bestowal Son. [our now Master Son Jesus Christ Michael !] Every facility and all power have been provided for insuring your ultimate attainment of the Paradise goal of divine perfection. [Thank You, our Universal Father, Master Creator Son and Creative Mother Spirit for your love, mercy and eternal Guidance ...]


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